Drawing on her unique combination of experiences, Cath understands the resilience and leadership required to achieve high performance in challenging circumstances.

Cath Bishop’s Speech


cath bishop

Who is

Dr Cath Bishop?


Cath now works as a leadership speaker, consultant and facilitator, drawing on her practical experience from two high pressure careers as an Olympic rower and a senior diplomat specialising in stabilisation policy and operations in conflict affected areas of the world.

In her rowing career, Cath competed at three Olympic Games, Atlanta, Sydney and Athens, with highlights including winning the World Championships in 2003 and an Olympic silver medal in 2004.

As a diplomat, Cath was posted to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Basra, Iraq, as well as leading in Whitehall on the UK civilian contribution to conflicts around the world, with extensive experience of international negotiations.

As a leadership speaker and consultant, Cath currently works with a variety of organisations and business schools, specialising in bringing the principles of high performance from sport and the experience of international diplomacy and negotiations to support businesses wanting to raise performance, develop collaboration and improve leadership.

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What’s the speech all about?


Drawing on her unique combination of experience, Cath understands the resilience and leadership required to achieve high performance in challenging circumstances.

Both rowing and international diplomacy offer clear analogies for the inter-dependency and collaboration that is essential to business success. With her experience at the top end of both fields, Cath has developed practical strategies for getting both individuals and teams to focus on delivering exceptional results under the toughest of circumstances.

Her story is one of great achievement and continuous learning along the way. It is an engaging, motivational and inspiring speech that can be easily tailored to you and your current challenges and opportunities.

Cath’s approach of focusing on clarity of purpose, a constant learning mindset and culture of collaboration relates directly to Ben’s 3 Performance Principles and the overarching question that drove performance for both of them – ‘Will it make the boat go faster?’. The shared purpose behind this and its implied focus and action consistently resonates with teams and individuals who want to raise the bar of performance, innovation and leadership.

Cath Rowing

Cath’s speech will take 45 – 60 minutes and is tailored to fit with your key messages. It can be delivered both virtually and face to face. Click below for more information on the speech process and optional workshops to ensure your delegates can immediately begin to apply the ideas.

cath bishop

As a team we have been struggling with momentum and Cath’s speech was a perfect injection to us. The feedback we’ve had from the team has been overwhelmingly positive. She helped to make our event a huge success.

We’d love to discuss how we can make your boat go faster,
get in touch so we can help you find the right solution

Need help with designing and facilitating your event?

If you would like to add even more value to your conference or team event – we can co-design and deliver the event for you, inspiring teams and bringing to life your key objectives through the power of our speaker’s stories and our facilitators. Through our additional workshops, people open up to learning, goal setting and new habits, understanding the way forward and making a real commitment to be part of the change.
Read more about Conference and Team Event Design and Facilitation or call us on 0208 834 1087 to speak to one of our team.
Additionally, Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? performance programmes, workshops, coaching and consulting work explores in further depth how individuals and teams can become the best they can be.

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